Holiday Edition

Burgin Family,

It is an honor and pleasure to be related to most of you. If you normally just scan this Newsletter, don’t do it this time. At minimum scroll down and read Jeffrey’s article, as much as it pains me to complement that full fledged dingle berry, his article is enormously entertaining and he has set a new standard for the Newsletter. Happy reading folks!!!





When you get my age not much happens that makes life very interesting! I guess that is my fault. I should be involved in more things and then I would have something to write about.

So let’s see.  Since last time i wrote, we had a wonderful Christmas gathering. My kitchen was finished the week of Christmas and I still don’t know where everything is.Madee and I spent a week in Destin, I took Madee to Tallahassee and drove home—all in one day—so I guess there is nothing wrong with me.  Oh yes, i broke my foot the day we were all together at Christmas! It still hurts when I walk a lot on it. I still play bridge every week and go to church on Sunday. I gave up Wednesday night because it got dark so early and I did not want to walk in the dark with my foot–if I stepped on a stick or rock or anything that turned my foot it would hurt badly. I am thinking about getting a cane! What do you think, Justin? (Justin Insert. Get you a cane, just make sure you get one from here )

I think of all you grandchildren more than you know!!  I am just not good at keeping up. I love each of you. I pray for you, sometimes by name and then sometimes I just tell the Lord He knows my grandchildren and children. Just take care of them all!!




Aunt Madee


I had a delightful visit in Birmingham with Grandy from December 29th to January 18th.  The only thing missing  – I did not get to see the Dunne “boys”.  But I was there for Grandy’s birthday, which was fun!  Lu, Caroline, and Jennifer brought a delicious red velvet cake, and we all sang Happy  83rd birthday!  What an accomplishment for Grandy; and she is still as sweet and caring as ever!


Merritt and Annette had us ALL for a gourmet dinner of bar-b-b-queue ribs with all the trimmings.  It was a great evening – food, children, adults, plus Gabby’s excellent impromptu performance!  Then one day for lunch, here came Susan and the troops with a Mediterranean lunch for us.  I had never eaten this type of seasoning , so it really was a treat for me – we all cleaned our plates!  Jeffrey was there, too.  So sorry he was not well, but we enjoyed our visits while he rested on the sofa.  Also, great to see Lee Ann, and share our tales of California!


So you think this is too many treats for me to receive on one visit – well, here is another one!!  Corey and those two precious boys came over one evening.  Merritt did a another great job with the grill – this time we had delicious steak!


Clyde and Janice Hollis  drove over from Columbus for a visit.  We had  lunch prepared by Grandy – and it was delicious , too.  You all know about Grandy’s cooking!!!


And to close a memorable visit, Grandy and I went to Destin beach for a week.  It was beautiful, as usual.  I sat in the sun on the deck, and left with a face as red as a  beat.  But guess what – I didn’t blister –Upon my return, it turned into a gorgeous tan, giving me  many compliments .


The Caribbean could not have been better!!!


Looking forward to seeing you again for Trent’s wedding –


I love you All


Aunt Madee


Uncle Merritt

December started off with Marshall’s graduation from Delta State. We started the Christmas season off at Calloway Gardens for Fantasy in Lights with the Camargo family. We had a blast riding bikes and walking through the Butterfly House. The Birds of Prey exhibition was fantastic. Having an owl or a hawk fly over your head so close they touched your hair was incredible. Christmas dinner at Grandy”s was great and opening presents was a lot of fun.It was great to have the Aitchesons in Birmingham around Christmas. We headed to Carrollton for New Years. We certainly missed the rest of y’all. Words really can’t express the fun we had sitting around the fire, riding 4 wheelers, walking through the woods, riding bikes to see the cows and just being together. It was neat to watch another generation begin to understand how special Carrollton is. For the icing on the cake Aunt Madee was here for a visit. Work has been busy trying to finish jobs in Spring Hill Tn and Biloxi Ms. The weather just will not cooperate. I’m writing this from Wilmington NC where we are working on a foundation for a new tank. Annette and I are headed to Orlando next weekend for Leah’s birthday party and Carissa’s baptism.


Uncle Merritt



Uncle Jeff


Thump-Thump- Ouch-Thump- Thump-Thump- Thump-Thump- Thump-Thump- Thump-Thump- Thump-Thump-Thump-RTR!  I think that pretty sums up 2015.


Uncle Jeff



Uncle Dennis

I’m writing this article having received pressure from my wife. Since I’m not coaching this year for the first time in forever, I feel kind of lost honestly.

The duck hunting season was a lot of fun as it afforded me the time and opportunity to hunt and fellowship with Ryan,Justin,Trent and Jeffrey. The season was capped off in fashion with Jeff joining us for the final 4 days.

Hopefully that wasn’t too boring. Well it probably was since I’m not real big on keeping tabs on my life events. Blessing to you all and I look forward to seeing you when I see you.



Lu Lu

Dear Family


I think this is suppose to be a holiday recap but I can’t remember the holidays!  I do remember that it was great to see all 7 of the Dunne children.  Does a mama’s heart good to have all the family back together under one roof.  The ski trip was just great although it wasn’t perfect because Abbie was absent.  However I am glad we have a reason that we have to go next year.  Thanks Abbie!  Last weekend I hosted a dnow group  here at the house.  I say “I” because Dennis was hunting with Ryan and Trent and the Terch men.  I had nine 8th grade boys.  The downstairs still smells like sweaty boys.   Brings back great memeories.

I am choosing not to write anything about Dennis.  I think the in-laws should have to write an article too.  I want to know what the “married into the family men and women” are doing too.  This isn’t a blood relative only letter. Y’all get to read it and y’all should have in write it too.  So get to it people.

Susan and Jennifer and I went to the circus last week.  It was the last time the elephants were going to be there.  I guess Barnum and Bailey finally folded to the animal rights protesters.  They will be missed (the elephants not the protesters).

Guess that is all.  I love all of you!



Hey Family!


Well it’s been a busy start to the year. Maybe that’s why I’m having a hard time getting my article in on time.


Things in Orlando are going well. We celebrated Leah’s 5th birthday a week or so ago. She continues to grow and mature every day. She lost her 2 bottom teeth recently. When she lost her first tooth she was freaking out because she didn’t know that we lose our baby teeth. She had to call Gabby and Sammy D just to make sure lol! A few days ago I taught her how to ride a 2 wheeler…it didn’t take her long. After a few tries she was riding 30 yards or so by herself until she hit a quick left and we ran into a parked car in a driveway. Leah scraped her hands, I hyper extended my elbow. I’m now trying to decide if I should go see ortho since my ROM is very limited. Annie is right behind Leah at all times. The most recent news with Annie is that she is potty trained. She’s really enjoying being a big sister…she follows Leah’s lead well. And Carissa…she’s just the sweetest. She goes with the flow pretty well. She’s smiling, laughing and talking right now. She’s rolled over twice and she doesn’t mind tummy time. As for Mike and I we are both doing well. I guess we will see you at Trent and Abby’s wedding.





Happy New Year (a bit late)!  I hope everyone’s 2016 is off to a good start.  As for the Duffs, we are back into the normal routine of things with the added perpetual waiting and waiting for our phone to ring. Who knew just waiting for a foster placement would be so tedious?! We are impatient to begin this journey and clearly are not very good at patiently waiting for it to begin 😉

2016 has brought a few additions to our “normal” if there is such a thing as normal. Tim has taken on some extra responsibilities at church and has been busy reading books and attending training meetings to that end. He is also training for another race that takes place in March. I am busy, as always, juggling 3 kids and their various activities and needs (and messes!). I am also diving into the murky world of autism research. Over the Christmas break, Bryan was diagnosed with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (asperger’s syndrome). So, I have been compiling information from his psychologist, pediatrician, and teachers and working with the school to develop behavioral management strategies to help Bryan perform to his highest ability in the classroom. Now we just need to look into behavioral therapists to help him manage stress/anxiety and anger. Bryan’s 2016 so far has been filled with testing; autism screening, adhd screening, speech testing, and gifted testing (the last two we should have results about in the next few days). He turned 7 this past month and enjoyed almost a week full of celebrations and space decorations! He is also busy playing soccer, which he is thoroughly enjoying! He is very aggressive and has a tendency to trash talk (I think Tim is a bit proud of him-but we are trying to get him to tone it down a bit…a bigger kid might just take a swing at him one day). As for Nora Grace,she is still loving preschool and ballet and seems to have a new best friend every day. She is looking more and more like a little girl, instead of a preschooler, every day; can’t believe she’s going to be 5 this summer! Adah Marie is getting more and more mischievous as she gets older! She is the constant comedian; always smiling and having fun with everyone, but watch out–she bites! I don’t know about your experiences-Grandy, LuLu, Aunt Susan, and NetNet-but the this third child is a whole new breed from the first two; she certainly keeps Tim and I on our toes.

That’s really it for the Duffs until we get a foster care placement.

We miss you and love you all!!






Hello Family!


WOW! Being an adult stinks!! How I long to go back to middle school. I wish I could go back with the brain I have now, but I would still go back without out my older, wiser brain. Anyway, my life is just spinning craziness but I feel that elaborating on those detail would bore you to tears. I am trying to think of some great story but sorry, our life is just rolling on…we ARE afloat (well our mouths out of water) and PRAISE Jesus every moment for that!! Kids are growing, Pedro and I are working and paying bills, and working and buying groceries, and paying bills, and working. Yep that is about it! The kids will start soccer in two weeks and they are all so excited! I see many full Saturdays at the soccer fields 🙂 Nothing much has changed for us, we still pray daily that things with Pedro’s legal status will just some how miraculously just fall into place, until then we plead with God for guidance reassurance and understanding.


Gabby will be 10 in ONE WEEK! Yep, I will have a CHILD that is a WHOLE decade old!! She is double digits and SUPER excited!! We will be celebrating tomorrow night with a sleep over at net net’s house with at least 10 friends!! Thankful for my brother Merritt to the rescue who is going to be on bonfire patrol as the girls cook their hot dogs!! So think of me when you all are out with your valentines, pray everything is running smoothly and ALL girls are having FUN!!


Love each of you more than you know!!



Wellll here it goes. Blanks are mostly good. Brian is stressed wrapping up his research. 90% positive we will be heading to ttown for at least a year before exploring options. So hopefully we will be nice and close and will see you fine people way more often. Looking forward to graduation and new things. My days are same ole same ole. A few crazy days with destructive kids but mostly days that take up all my patience just doin the teacher thang. We find ourselves in an odd place here. I am still so surprised how liberal people are in Kville. It has a lot to do with the church we’ve chosen. Our church has a major focus on disagreeing well and for some reason we still find it difficult to believe we would be accepted as republican, semi-conservative thinkers. I went to a baby shower with church friends recently and many hot topics were brought up(religion,school, politics) and my opinion wasn’t welcome. It was odd but I was alone in a group of multi-aged women. I am trying to live in the now but find I’m quite ready for a little rental house, baby, puppy, and to be closer to home. Whichever comes first. Why is it that when you near the end of a life phase things sour more and more? We want to leave well but it’s getting harder. I’m for sure more cynical about things. I guess it’s a coping mechanism. Eh there’s that. We are going camping March 17 through the weekend for anyone interested. Party on people.





Hey family!


I’ve officially been in California for over 6 months…crazy! The weeks go by rather quickly these days. I’m still working as a lead teacher for the Y and am loving it. I run the extracurricular clubs for both the younger and older ages, and that keeps me pretty busy. We’re also in “campaign” season, where we try and raise money for kids who need scholarships, so that keeps us on our toes as well.

I had a blast seeing Mom, Dad, Kate, Brian, & JJ in Arizona for the National Championship game last month. Besides the game being absolutely awesome, the house we rented was really nice (good job mom and pop). So roll tide to that.

El Niño is upon Southern California, which, in a nutshell, is their rainy season. So Abigail and I are enjoying the extra water.

Love y’all!

Leigh Ann



Alo Fanmi!


According to Google, I just said “hello family” in creole. Anna and I recently spent a week in Turks and Caicos courtesy of the generous owners of Fluid Engineering. The company as a whole made our yearly goal so we got to go on a trip. It was incredible! We got lucky and had great weather (forecast showed lots of rain), the food was delicious, we had great company, and I’ve never seen water so clear. We went snorkeling a couple of times and in addition to all the colorful fish and coral, we got lucky enough to see a sea turtle, a gigantic hermit crap, and a shark (nurse shark, harmless). If you’ve never just kicked back and relaxed on a Caribbean island with no schedule, I highly recommend it!


This Christmas was our first together as a married couple and it was a great one. We probably over did it on gifts this year (Lucia even got presents), but we figured we would do it big since it was the first one ever. Nothing but homemade and sentimental gifts next year!


After a two year hiatus, I got to go skiing again during the holidays. I say I instead of we because it was Anna’s first time to ever go skiing and anyone who’s ever been skiing before knows that you spend the first trip falling more than skiing. So, I went skiing and Anna went falling. It was a great trip as always. There aren’t too many things in the world I enjoy more than snow skiing. Jokes aside, Anna actually did really well. Justin and I “accidentally” took Anna and Brittany down some difficult blues at the end of the first day. Even though Anna was scared and I thought she was going to either kill me or divorce me by the time we got down the mountain, she dominated that afternoon and impressed me with her newbie skiing skill. I hate to admit it, but she was much better than me the first day I skied. The only explanation that makes sense is that her athleticism has skyrocketed since marrying me and being around me all the time.


I hope all you confused Auburn fans enjoyed watching (or just hearing about it because you were too ashamed to watch) some real football during the college football playoffs. I know we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to all the Terch’s for pulling the good guys through in Arizona.


The holiday season and hunting season is over, but it’s still cold out there so we plan on spending a few weekends around the fire in Carrollton in the next month or so. Maybe we will see some of you there. I hope everyone is happy, well, and that we see most of you soon.


Love ya’ll


Ryan and Anna




Beloved kin,

It was long ago, sometime before the world became what it is today. No one knows exactly when it began, but the ending, how could anyone forget? The legend was a mixture of ferocious zeal and tender empathy. It’s like if Samuel L Jackson and Mother Teresa conceived a child. Blows your mind right? How could one be filled with such passion and disdain yet such great serenity and compassion all at the same time?


As potential matured into distinction, it would be natural that the future would be promising; only, we didn’t see it at the time. Superiority was on the horizon we just needed time for it to get here. Of course  once we realized the opportune circumstances that had come to be, they were already gone…. Tragic.


I sat on the sidelines for two years only hearing stories of what was happening. The massacre of an entire species was underway on the other side of the world, and I couldn’t even be a part of it. I didn’t know how things had gone from average to phenomenal so fast. Something was going on, and I couldn’t quit thinking about it. It seemed like every night as I slipped into unconsciousness my thoughts would wander to the day of my return to that rundown house in the middle of nowhere.  Fortunately time flew by.  Before I knew it I was back in the saddle.


As the sun rose that first morning, I sat in anticipation not knowing what to expect. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had come back to something glorious. I was in the presence of a master. He had surpassed us all in understanding. A skill, nay, a natural instinct had developed. I hate to admit it but I think he actually knew what he was doing out there (never thought I would ever say that about him). Either that or he was just a good luck charm. I didn’t care what it was honestly; we were having a great time regardless.  It pains me to say that there were some that knew of the ongoing greatness yet were paralyzed by their feminine parts that had apparently developed while I was gone.  A short drive is yet a small price to pay to experience the ongoing extravaganza. One man was fully committed. He would have put his marriage on the line for pete’s sake. The other… well we all knew he was gay.  And we cant forget about that guy who kept using his back as an excuse to bail. There were definitely some yuppies amongst us. I digress


It had taken some time but we had stumbled upon the most valuable asset we could have possibly imagined.  He saw everything. He knew everything. He took us to the next level. With his expertise backed up by the rest of us actually being able to shoot, we became the best. We had finally made it.

However as the time went on thoughts grew heavier on all of our minds. We were on cloud nine but it wasn’t going to last forever. We entered the home stretch just trying to enjoy the moment.  But when the last shot was fired that day, we could only ride off in silence. We weren’t sure of what the future would hold.  The one who had become superior to the rest, the legend, may never return.


Just like that as soon as it all began it was over.  Unfortunately this ending brings no good news for the Deltas dictator (that’s what he called himself…pretty arrogant I know).  He will soon be off to join the life of slavery, and the world that he once knew will be long gone.  He will never experience the dirty D like he has these past four years, and consequently, neither will the rest of us.  Of course I’ll always be there reminding him of how good the old days were as I live the life he wishes he had. But it’s his own fault really. He saw what holy matrimony did to the two that went before him.  Sure they get to enjoy the more…passionate activities of romance, but will he ever be able to rise again to the level of excellence he once achieved?  And what will the rest of us do. He was always there, watching, learning, carefully planning what we needed to do. Now we got nobody!  Mediocrity? Will we regress to being average? This is our current reality, and it’s terrifying.



Other than writing this epic drama that probably has everybody scratching their heads I haven’t been up to much.  I went to Togo, Africa and came back and enjoyed Christmas with you all.


Love you guys!



I am feeling a serious lack of creative juices after reading Jeffrey’s article. I will concede to Jeffrey’s superior creative writing skills and simply proceed with a quick life update.

It was an exceptional Holiday season this year, seeing the majority of you was (in an old Savannah accent) just peachy!  My first Christmas as a married man had me and Brittany on the road driving all over the place tying to see all of our family. It was exhausting but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

The ski trip was great as usual. The addition of Marshall and Merritt was a welcomed change. If Jeffrey had a respectable immune system then the whole gang would have been there and the trip could have been legendary, but instead of having the A-Team squad up and make history on the mountain we had to settle with a simply amazing trip.

That is about it really. Work is good for Brittany and I. Denali is still the best dog in the hood. Life is good and its going by too quickly.


Love you all,





Hey Family 🙂

So thankfully Justin continually extended the deadline so that I would be able to participate.  Life is a little crazy in the Nabors’ house these days.  Work has been extremely busy for me.  Pretty much my fault, but when you are trying to build something, there’s a lot to give at first and it isn’t easy.  I just continually pray that God would shut doors for me if this is not where he wants me (not coaching but pursuing the level of gymnastics that we are pursuing).  Right now I am coaching on the floor 34 hours which leaves hardly any time for anything else.  Meaning lots of late nights working 🙂  I don’t mind, just don’t want it to take away from my family.  The last month has been tough, but God is faithful.  Besides the normal work load each week, we are in season so traveling on weekends just adds up.  By the time I get in bed each evening, I have nothing left and I am not sure how I am still going, but each day God renews my strength and supplies exactly what I need to get through that day.  I have a strong passion for what I am doing – not just the gymnastics, but the girls that I have the opportunity to impact their lives.  And I’m blessed with amazing people that help with my boys, love on my boys and care for my boys when I can’t (especially my two amazing aunts!!!!)… so what has really been going on.  Honestly doesn’t sound like much.  Work for me.  Work for Cory as well as work at home.  Both of my boys have had ear infections repeatedly the last 3 months.  Will’s ears finally look great!  Luke’s still do not, so we will be visiting the ENT on Wednesday.  We will go from there.  Possible tubes, which I know isn’t bad, but of course who wants there child put under.   Though I do hear that they can make a world of difference.  Luke is still his happy self a good bit of the time, but he doesn’t sleep well at night and cries out often.  He also is constantly wiping his ear and complains when I take his shirt off and random times.  He’s talking a ton but definitely hard to understand though Cory and I understand him pretty well 🙂  They think he cannot hear very well and that his speech is affected by his ear infections, so we will see what ENT says.  Though I don’t want him to talk this way forever, right now it is really cute 🙂  Will doesn’t miss anything.  He definitely has a much better sense of direction than I do and he pays attention so he can get you places better than I can LOL.  And don’t talk about anything in front of him that you shouldn’t or you don’t want him to know because he will be listening.  Both boys are loving school though we love our Wednesday’s when I do not work.  The boys help with laundry, dishes, cleaning… though they don’t quite get it yet, we so enjoy doing it all together.  Yes it takes longer, but we have a really good time working together (doing team work is what we call it :)).  Cory’s working hard at work.  He puts in his fair share of hours as well.  He also finished the bathroom that we added in our basement and he’s almost finished with the closet.  That has been lots of work for him – it looks amazing!!!  Well, that’s about it.  I better get this to Justin since he has patiently waited for me!  Love to each of you!  Pray for you each day and Thank God for this amazing family!!!


Helen (Cory, Will & Luke)


Hey y’all!


For someone who is supposed to enjoy writing, I’m sorry I fail to actually write anything for this most of this time.  To catch everyone up to speed, this will be an article in four movements:  Anna, Joe, April, and Penny.


First, Anna, if you noticed the change in the ranking system, you will notice that there is a new princess in the house.  You may have also noticed a change in your Facebook or Instagram newsfeed.  She is systematically taking over our house and cyberspace.  Quite a feat for 5 months of life.


Second, Joe.  Joe has now completed three full semesters and two summer language intensives (and an extra intensive on College Ministry for good measure).  Conversations in our house frequently revolve around reading schedules, sermon prep, and “April, do I have to wear a tie to this?”  Joe just completed a teaching series on the theology of work and has two new book recommendations for you:  Kingdom Calling by Amy Sherman and Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller.


Third, April. (Hi!) I am now a Rodan + Fields Independent consultant along with Lucy, Caroline, and Abby.  If you have skincare concerns, please refer to your family’s personal consultant.  Terch family, one of you should really jump in on the fun…


And finally, Penny.  Penny is devastated that she has been replaced by a small human and takes it out on us by begging to go outside, barking to come inside, begging to go outside, barking to come inside…it’s a really fun game.


See ya later!




Hello Fam Jam,


I hope all is well with everyone. I will begin by wishing happy birthday to everyone that has had a birthday in 2016. Sorry I am a bad family member, I  do not know who all you are, but I know it was quite a few. This is going to be a short one for me, sorry. 2016 is going to be one for the record books for me. It is most likely my last year to ever live in the Mississippi delta, and that is pretty saddening. I have loved every second of living the the dirty d the last four years of my life. I did meet my smoking hot fiancé here. But more importantly, I killed a heck of a lot of ducks. That is obviously a joke, but i have loved living in the delta. Where else can you kill ducks in the morning and go to class in the afternoon? I am excited to start a life with Abbie wherever the good lord sends us. If you don’t mind, please be in prayer about me finding a job. I am attending the University of Alabama Career Fair on Feb. 17&18 which will be a crucial part of the job search. I hope to see everyone very soon.






Hello family!

Well I am officially a last semester senior and I am so nervous but excited to graduate and for the real world! This semester has already been very stressful for me but fun. I am doing residential design now and I am loving every aspect of it. I also am taking photography to have enough hours to be a full time student which is fun but a extremely busy. Besides school I haven’t done much else. Jeffrey drove to Tuscaloosa to watch  a basketball game with me which was super fun!! I am also headed to Texas next week for a design conference and to see what job opportunities there are in the world so I cannot wait for that! Me and a few friends are road tripping which should be a good time! Well besides that, nothing exciting has happened to me in awhile. Love and miss everyone!
Jennifer Terch






Hey family! I don’t really know the last time we all wrote so Im not really sure how much I have told y’all! I have started up my second semester of sophomore year at the greatest University on the planet RTR. Christmas break was amazing and much needed for me. The Dunnes went on the annual ski trip with a few added guest that made it that much more enjoyable! I really loved seeing everyone over christmas. Every time we are all together I am reminded of how blessed we are to have such an amazing family. This past weekend I served as a DNOW leader for my church. I had the seventh grade girls and really loved seeing each of them grow in the Lord. This weekend we talked about the ultimate need of people being the gospel and how we should be total bondservants to the Lord! Those who are on Facebook I am sure you have seen that I have recently joined an amazing company called Rodan+Fields! It is a skin care line sold through consultants! It looks like it may be a family business because April and Lucy are now selling! Haha! Me and my team say the more the merrier! SO basically current life consist of school, sleep, skin care, and more sleep. I found out last week that i have mono so most of my days consist of multiple naps! Hopefully the weakness will end soon because I am tired of having no energy! Other than that nothing is really going on! Justin thanks for still doing this! I don’t know who still all reads this (mine are usually the most boring) But i seriously read everyones cause i love hearing what is going on with the lives of my favorite people! Love you all





Hey family,


I guess it’s about time I got one of these articles done.  For starters I graduated College this past December with a degree in Recreation Leadership. For the time being, I am working as Assistant Manager at the Cleveland Country Club, which is the restaurant I have been working at as a both a server and cook since I came to Cleveland. I have been there almost a month now as manager, it was hard at first because some of the employees are my friends and now I am their boss and not their co-worker.  Despite the challenge I am starting to get used to being in charge and all my new responsibilities. I never realized how frustrating making a work schedule for all employees would be. I promise to write more in my next article but Valentines Day is a pretty busy one in the food industry. I also hope Justin is I as good at editing my grammar as Tricia was.







2 thoughts on “Holiday Edition

  1. Thanks Justin for being so persistent. I will write next time!
    I love our family! Some of you are a little off, you know who you are, but it just makes the family more interesting!


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