Winter Newsletter

All, it has been too long since we have done one of these. Thanks to Tricia for pull the articles together! On a different note, not a lot of editing this month, sorry!


– Justin


LA and Nik

Hey y’all! Happy 2019!
The new year means a new and FINAL semester in my child life classes. I’ll have an internship beginning in the summer, then I’ll sit for the CCLS certification exam. I’m still working at The Sanders Trust and still training for half marathons, so nothing new there. If y’all have any “must-sees” in Austin, TX lemme know! I’m heading there in February. Nik is still working and finishing his kinesiology degree. I think he’s still keeping his eye out for more weightlifting competitions, but he’s gotta get his knee back to 100%.
It was good to see who I did over the holidays, but as always, missed those who couldn’t make it!
Love y’all!
LA & Nik

Trent and Abbie


Hey family!
We hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the new year. We have been extremely busy. Trent is enjoying hunting whenever he pleases, that’s why we moved back to Birmingham ya know! We have gotten really involved at church. We hosted 11th grade girls for D-Now. It was such blessing and a reminder of how much young people need discipling. We love our small group, and how it’s growing! School is great for me. Kindergarten is like no other. It’s tiring but so rewarding. Trent has now taken over the job he’s been working on in Fort Myers, Florida. He’s super excited about that and has really been working hard. We are going to Disney this month because I am running in a half marathon and are planning to do lots of camping since hunting season is almost over. 🙌🏼🙌🏼 That is all we have for now. We love and miss everyone!
Abbie and Trent

Ryan and Anna


Hello Family,

Thanks again to Tricia for keeping this newsletter going (Justin supposedly helps, but let’s not kid ourselves, it’s mostly Tricia). Reading your articles helps us stay somewhat up to date on everyone and makes us feel a little bit closer to home.
We are right in the middle of ski season here in Colorado, yea! Last season was horrible, very little snow and warm, but this year has been great. We’ve had a whole bunch of snow in the mountains and in the city and it has been much colder this year, so it has felt like a real winter. In bigger news, Anna is in the midst of applying to go back to school to get her masters in teaching, so that she can go teach in the elementary school. She loves taking care of the little ones 10-24 months old, but it’s just time for a change. I know she’d appreciate your prayers through this application and school process.
It sounds odd to say since we’ve lived here for 20 months, but it feels like we are finally settling down and getting into the swing of things in Denver. We joined a really strong small group/bible study back in August after taking a year to find our church home (Denver United) and it’s really been a blessing having a strong faith centered and loving group of people here in Denver.
We are looking forward to some family coming out to Denver in the next couple of months. My parents and Justin and Brittany are coming in February and then Jeffrey and Morgan are stopping in for a day on their way to Crested butte, so we can’t wait to see them soon! Caroline is letting work get in the way of fun things so she isn’t able to come in February (please give her grief) and Trent and Abbie will be in Orlando that weekend in February. Abbie is running a marathon with friends in Disney World, so everyone wish her luck! I’m thinking she times in around 17 minutes (conservative guess).
That’s all for our quick update. I hope everyone is well and we love ya’ll!
Ryan and Anna

Aunt Susan and Uncle Jeff


Hello family,

So glad Tricia is reviving the newsletter. It is fun to read each of your articles, even those from people I see often.

For me, the past two months have been a whirl wind. First there was thanksgiving fun in Carrollton, then getting ready for Christmas, then the joy of celebrating Christmas with family. In January, Jeff, Jennifer and I traveled to Miami, stopping in Saint Augustine on the way to view their “world famous” lights. The town is very cute and they had hung lights everywhere. We took a trolley ride around the town to view these were famous lights. It was fun but nothing in comparison to Callaway Gardens.  Which is another place I got to travel to after Christmas.The Dunne and Terch girls made it to Callaway for  bicycle riding and trolley riding. Hardly anyone was there and Snowflake (our trolley) galloped through the displays, sometimes ahead of the music. But we sang along anyway.  Jeff, Leigh Ann and I traveled to watch the Tide play in California. Jeff and I stayed after to do a little sight seeing. We saw many wonderful things but my favorite part was our drive on the Avenue of the Giants. through Humboldt Redwood State Park  This is a Redwood Forrest in Northern California. It is one of the places I’ve always wanted to go. And it was worth it. They are amazing.
Next  travel destination, (this time Luanne, Caroline, Jennifer and I) was  to Aunt Madee’s. She is always the best hostess, even from her rehab room. We stayed very busy.  We joined her in a therapy session where she put us to shame with her volleyball skills. We went out to breakfast together twice and spent the day with her in her apartment. I was so glad to see her and to see how well she’s doing. Love to you, Aunt Madee!
As you can see, it was a busy two months. Glad to have a little home time.
For this new year I pray for myself and for each of you that we experienced God more and we let him guide us each step of our way.
Love you all!
Uncle J in Red Woods

Lynne and Pedro

Hello Family!

I’m actually on a bus headed home from West Virginia, with Brookwood Baptist youth group. I chaperoned our youth ski trip. It was a great trip! Honestly though I am exhausted!! We had a great time! Gabby struggles and that was hard, but I’m hoping next sure she will have more confidence knowing she has already done it!

Life here at the Camargo house is quite honestly rough! We (or I) miss Pedro more that words could express! We have been back for just over a week and we have a long haul! We are leaning on The Lord trusting Him to get us through.

The boys are wrapping up a basketball season! Jonathan’s team is doing well, they are undefeated. While SammyD’s team is struggling. It’s been hard for SammyD not being able to play basketball with all his friends :-/ he is missed how things were. We laugh about how we wanted more, bigger, better when in our little “yellow house,” now all 5 of us would give anything to be back in that little yellow house!!

Please continue to pray for Pedro. Pray that The Lord will guide us in making the best decisions for our family.


Lulu and Uncle Dennis

Hello family
Where has January gone!!  Time flies when you are old!  The Terch girls minus Kate and the Dunne girls started the year in Callaway Gardens at Fantasy in Lights. No one was there. It was kinda creepy. We at breakfast at the hotel and then rode bikes in the rain. It was a great adventure. On January 7th Caroline Abbie Trent and I started Whole 30. I think I dropped out first and then Caroline and then Abbie. Trent was never really committed. It was a good learning experience but I just can’t live even for 30 days that restrictive. It cost to much to by all that weird food too!
   Caroline and I are hot and heavy into planning this wedding. Sure is easier with boys but it really has been fun anyway.  Hope you all can make it on June 22 and the night before!!  Lots of birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate that day!
      Just got the call that school is cancelled tomorrow!  Yahoooo!  Nothing like an unexpected day off.
    I am writing this while watching the Nabors children. Helen and Cory will have to cut my pay for my slacking on the job!  See picture
Susan Caroline Jeniffer and I went to see Aunt Madee over MLK weekend. It was a nice visit. She is in the rehab facility at Westminster Oaks. She hopes to be back soon to her apartment. She really needs our prayers as she works on regaining her strength and mobility.


Hello family! 2019 has been so busy for me so far from traveling place to place! Iv been to Miami, St Augustine, San Francisco, Tallahassee and Callaway Gardens all in the past month or so, and am not complaining! Life in Birmingham is about the same for me! Still on the job hunt. I have applied a good bit and had an interview and hoping for more. I’m getting desperate due to me turning 26 this year and falling off my parents insurance plan. So fun. So who knows what kind of job I may pick up! Recently went to Tallahassee with sue carol and lu to visit Aunt Madee. It was a blast! From getting to break Aunt Madee out of her room and throwing her a small birthday party, to Susan driving down a 4 lane road on the wrong side of the road and almost killing me and Caroline, it was a good time. Hope all is well with everyone!  Looking forward to seeing all at Caroline’s wedding!
Love you all!

Jeffrey and Morgan


Hello all,

Things have been going very well for Morgan and I.  Duck hunting season was miserable, but other than that i cant complain about much.  Things at the house are going fairly well.  We are hoping to have it on the market in the next month or so.  It’s been a lot of work, but I have really enjoyed it.  It’s definitely put our marriage to the test at times, but really the Lord has been using it to strengthen our relationship more than anything. I will say it will be a relief to sell it.  Our basement is always flooding for one reason or another and i feel like i have PTSD every time i walk down there.  Never know what I’m gonna find! I owe Trent a big favor.  He has put in some solid time helping me out.  The last project we worked on was installing a sheet metal ceiling in our laundry room.  It was tricky, but i think it turned out pretty good.  The last two big things on the list are building a pagoda on the back deck and a 6′ fence.  We might just call everyone that’s in Birmingham to come on over one Saturday and help us finish strong..
Other than the house we just go to work and go to church.  Not sure when we will all see each other next but we should make something happen!
Love Yall.
Morgan and Jeffrey

Lucy and Mike


Hey Fam!

Quick update:
Hannah – doing well, getting baptized on Sunday (2/3/2019), almost 5 months old, rolling over, smiling at anyone who will give her attention!
Carissa – this girl is sassy! She loves to sing and dance, making up her own songs. She also likes to push her boundaries to see how far you will let her go. She really is the life of the party.
Annie – enjoying pre kindergarten, reading beginner books, riding a 2 wheeler. She is quiet but very aware on what is going on.
Leah – currently on day 4 of fever with a bad asthma flare! Flu negative…probably adenovirus….hopefully not pneumonia. Time will tell. She is thriving in school, one of the top in her grade, a sweet friend to all, and starting violin this month.
Mike – staying busy, one of the busiest seasons yet, working hard to be intentional and present when at home. Raising up elders and deacons in the church this year. Adding 2 more small groups next month. Lots of growth PTL!
Me – enjoying being mostly home with the kids, working only Fridays at Middleton Pediatrics but working pro bono for the Burgin family all hours of the day and night (you know who you are 😜), excited about returning to the women’s bible study – this time Nancy Guthrie’s Even Better Than Eden, and enjoying the Holy Spirit reveal my sin through my children and marriage – very humbling yet causing lots of repentance and growth!
Love you all!


Hello family!

Nothing too new with me since the last time we had a newsletter ( I don’t think at least!). I am busy teaching, being the cheer coach and wedding planning! All three are very fun. I have really enjoyed teaching and I LOVE my coworkers. They have become great friends. Cheer is awesome! We are headed to Nationals in Disney World on February 7th. This is the first time Hueytown Cheer has gone to nationals. I am very proud of my girls and excited for this experience for them! Wedding planning with mom is the best time! I have enjoyed every minute of it and it has shown me yet again how blessed I am with the parents the Lord has given me. Engagement season is going much quicker than I thought it would but I am not complaining cause i am ready to be Mrs. Sims 🙂 We were just planning the rehearsal dinner and I am so excited to get everyone together! I love yall so much.


Kate and Brian


Well my people we are late again on this newsletter. Maybe that’s our new normal. Whatever I’m trying to get it in on time so you’re getting what you’re getting. We are in a busy phase of life right now. Brian is still working hard as ever at Mississippi State researching and teaching. Elizabeth is growing like a weed in talking more and more each day. Maggie is growing too and is currently in a separation anxiety phase that comes with the six month mark. It’s hard to believe she has been around for that long already. We are just taking each day as they come and I am trying to survive with two little ones at home and trying not to stress Brian out too much by begging him to come home as early as possible in the evenings! Haha Sundays are definitely our hardest days so I don’t know how those of you with Minister husbands do it each week! Yesterday we had to leave the service early because Maggie cried the whole time! I walked out of the service after getting a text and immediately heard her crying echoing through the halls! I’m still not sure what the deal was. So we took her to small group with us last night and she still cried the whole time. Hoping it’s just a phase. Elizabeth did great though if not a little extra cranky from being awake late. We got to FaceTime with aunt Madee recently and that was a lot of fun catching up with her! We are going to the beach next week and looking forward to some sunshine! Love you all and so looking forward to our family reunion at Caroline and Perry‘s wedding! If this doesn’t read right it’s because I used Siri to type this out. Haha
The Blanks

Net Net and Uncle Merritt


Its hard to decide where to start so I will start at Christmas. We had a lot of fun at the Burgin Family Christmas party. We played a dice game organized by Caroline and Annette won.  We really missed all of you that weren’t there. Annette and I enjoyed having Merritt home for several days. I got some very nice presents. Will and Luke made me a “ Happy Box “ to put letters and cards in to take with me as I travel to  look through and read when I get homesick or sad. I have had a lot of fun writing letters to my grandchildren and now they have gotten old enough to write back. Their letters are special and I keep them in my Happy Box. On Sunday Dec. 30 Annette and I took the Camargo family to the airport for a trip to Mexico to visit Pedro. We left the airport and headed to Tallahassee to visit Aunt Madee. She has a room in the assisted living facility as she recovers from a kidney stone and an infection. We caught her at lunch and visited with her until she had to go to therapy.  We headed to Orlando from there to visit the Aitchesons. It sure was good to get to Florida and see some sunshine.  We were able to go strawberry picking the next day and picked 30 pounds of strawberries. We chopped them up to make jam, ate strawberry short cake and chocolate covered strawberries. It was warm enough for some of us to swim a few times. We rode bicycles to the park and to Clemmons Curb Market. Clemmons had fresh corn and it sure was good. We left Orlando on Jan. 2 and headed to Atlanta so I could take a review course for the Georgia Utility Manager license. I took the test on the 8th and passed. I left Atlanta and headed to Cary NC to work .  Annette keeps Will, Luke and Susie every Friday. I try to eat lunch with them when I am in town. We have a lot of fun playing outside swinging on the swings or the hammock and throwing the tennis ball for Skylar. I ad a nice MLK weekend with Samuel David and Jonathan. Lynne and Gabby were skiing and Annette was judging . We grilled with the Nabors boys and Susie Friday night and had basketball games Saturday. We ate lunch Saturday at SD’s favorite place Jacks. All in all it has been a good start of 2019.

Uncle M and HannahUncle M and Kiddos


Marshall and Raina


Hey everyone so last time we wrote an article I believe it said we were going to move to Montana but we haven’t.  Who knows where we will go next but as for now we are living in the wonderful basement of my parents home.  I am currently working as a server at hot and hot fish club and a part time host at Olexa’s Café. My favorite part of every week is Sunday church/park day, which is also the only day of the week Raina and I both have off days.  So moving on now for our 1-year anniversary I took Raina and Skylar on their first ever, backpacking trip. We went to the Pisgah National Forrest and hiked to Pilot Mountain. It was a very interesting 3 days.

The first day started off with perfect weather and the best views I had seen in a while.  We set up camp beside the Davidson River the first night and finished with smores as any Burgin would do at a campfire.  The second night camping got more interesting just as we chose our spot for the night it starts sleeting and it caught us of guard since the weather channel app told us that rain wasn’t expected till early morning on the 3rd day. It sleeted for about 3 hours then turn into a down pour that lasted the remainder of the hike.  Around 2:00 pm on the third day we cross a road that does lead to where my car is parked.  So we scramble to get some cover and get the map out to decide to either take the road or finish the rest of the hike through the woods. Now we are both completely soak head to toe and around 35 degrees.

A large white van drives by and I ask the man inside if he knew how far the Fishery (where the truck is parked) was from here.  He told me about 2 miles down that hill. So we decided it would be best to just get to the truck as quick as possible. We hike down this curvy mountain road for about 30-45 min. and then I see the white van coming back up with hill. The man stops and apologizes that it is actually 4 miles the other direction. I took one look up that hill and ask him how much money would take to let us climb in and drive us to our vehicle and he replied, “don’t sit on my seat and you are good.” So we all three climb in and when he dropped us off and I pulled out my wallet he said no sir this is my good deed for the month maybe God will send some blessings my way next time I am in need.


Hey, it’s Raina! THAT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER!! ^ Skylar and myself are dying for our next backpacking trip! So, I am employed at Chickfila Eastwood Village in Irondale and started in October and hopefully am up for a promotion to be team leader here in the next few weeks! One manager seems a little hesitant because I am also now BACK in my masters program, the rest seem to be ready to make the shirt switch. I work mornings at the Beacon Treatment center for Substance Abuse as an intern and evenings at Chickfila. I am hoping to finish my masters in Clinical Mental Health by the end of this year! So, I do ask for prayers during this time. Huge shout out and thanks to Big Mike for the kind words and eye opening conversation on the balcony at the beach this past summer. I don’t think I’d be in school right now if it wasn’t for that one on one time with you. So, we are doing well down here in our home sweet basement, attacking debt, stepping up our cooking game and enjoying Sundays off for church and the park with our pup. We are on day 5 of Whole30, thanks for the suggestion Abbie and Trent, we’re really enjoying it now that we have passed the KILL ALL THINGS stage. Hope everyone is having a great start to 2019!! Keep Killin It! Love you all =) p.s. please pray for marshall’s sweets addiction during these next 3 weeks;)


Marshall and Raina CampingMarshall and Raina Camping 4Marshall and Raina Camping 1Marshall and Raina Camping 3


Tricia and Tim

Happy 2019 everyone! It’s 9pm here in Tallahassee and I just finished getting everyone in bed and cleaning up the kitchen and dining room. I am choosing to ignore the giant pile of clean laundry that needs folding and the playroom mess so that I can sit down and write a newsletter article.
It’s been pretty hectic in the Duff household. A new little one came to stay with us right before Christmas, but will hopefully be able to go to family soon! The kids will miss him, but will hold joy alongside the grief as he is reunited with his family. The Lord truly reveals himself to us through our kids open hearts. They are unafraid of letting little ones fully into their hearts, space, and routines knowing it will be temporary.
Tim is still working hard at work and at the church. He continues to run, but not as much as he would like.
Bryan is thriving in fourth grade. It has been his best year yet, praise the Lord !! He is also, as he says, “the master of defense” on his soccer team. As he was talking about his game tonight he said “oh, mommy, that gives me an idea about chess!” Only in Bryan’s brain.
Nora Grace apparently is a teenager trapped in the body of a 7 year old. Dresses and pink are now “disgusting”. She still loves her many crafts and is gearing up for softball season.
Adah Marie is the family comedian and always keeps us on our toes. She seems to be enjoying kindergarten, but good luck getting her to tell you anything about it.
Sanjae is as sassy as ever. We have seen so much growth in her this year. All she wants is be independent and keep up with the big kids.
I spend most of my time keeping up with all the kids and the messes they make. I am continuing to teach Bible study—we will be finishing up Hebrews this semester. I am also working with a team at church to help people see our community needs and encourage them to go out and meet them.
Miss you all and can’t wait to see you hopefully soon!
Duff Family 3Duff Family 2Duff Family 1


Uncle Mark


Its cold and wet in Raleigh NC. So a good time to write a newsletter article.  I had the great pleasure of going to Disney World with my kids and grandkids in December. Great Christmas present for Pops. Having all of us together for a few days was very special for me. We rented an RV on a Wednesday and headed out Thursday morning for the Fort Wilderness Campground. Hard to believe but the pickup point for the RV was in downtown Birmingham on Morris Avenue. Hard to maneuver a 32’ RV on Morris Avenue cobblestones. April, Joe, Anna, Karen and I headed out Thursday and made an uneventful trip to the campground.  Arriving at the RV site the Duff family had already had dinner cooked, campsite squared away and scouted out the resort. Turned the RV over to the kids, all 9 of them and went to my campsite, a perfectly good cabin with four walls and a roof, running water and a kitchen, TV, all the amenities required for camping.  Made all the better because Disney told us the wrong cabin number and we had to move so they comped us one night.  Spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the parks and headed home on Monday.  As much as the kids loved Disneyworld, they may have enjoyed the campground just as much.  The number and variety of blowup Christmas decorations was amazing. Mickey’s Christmas party Friday night was fabulous, and all the kids did great staying up till midnight; even if it did rain some. My first RV trip was a great success and look forward to doing it again!


Justin and Brittany


I will keep it short and sweet this month. For me, things are really about the same: I work 50-60 hours a week, I ski on the Saturday’s and maybe one other night a week, and Brittany and I stay involved at Gospel Grace. The only thing new coming up for me is that I was asked to teach at a youth camp over Presidents Day Weekend….. your prayers would be appreciated as I am conscious of the warnings of doing such a thing (see James 3:1) and am humbled by the opportunity.

I will try to speak on Brittany’s behalf….. I hope I do not regret this. Brittany is doing really well. School keeps her busy and balancing studying, clinical time, and work makes her schedule very sporadic but she handles it with excellence. Somehow in the midst of this she still takes care of me, which is no small task.

In other news, I have been (TENTATIVELY) tapped to be one of the managers for phase two of the airport project. What that means is that we are likely extending our stay in Utah for 5 or so more years. Its a bitter sweet thing, thank God for airplanes and a western family reunion while were out here????? Guest are always welcome!


-Justin and Brittany

P.S – It’s been snowing like crazy in Utah. You guys NEED to come ski! See video of Denali enjoying some fresh powder.